These stories are in response to the  Holy Woman Challenge.  They are from real women living real lives who are striving to bring holiness into their souls, their homes, their families.  They are working to put our Lord number 1 in their hearts, their thoughts, their words, their actions.   There are so many of you beautiful, wonderful holy women out there!!  You may not think of yourself as holy, but a wise person once said:

“it doesn’t matter how fast you’re going just as long as you’re moving!” 

Holiness is NOT a “lofty impossible goal” (Wendy Watson Nelson).  This challenge is about the Lord TEACHING each of us to become more holy.  This challenge is about taking the Lord seriously.  It’s about knowing we cannot do it by ourselves, but with Him all things are possible.  It’s about “BECOMING”.  I have received many wonderful stories to share so let’s begin.


Beautiful Mother of four small children

“For the holy woman challenge I chose to focus all three days on how a holy woman would speak.  If it were up to me, I would have chosen a challenge less, well, challenging!  But, I knew very soon after reading your letter that this is what the Lord would have me do.  First I read Proverbs 31:26, which reads: “she openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.”  I can’t tell you how much more meaningful that scripture is after this challenge!

Day One started on a Sunday.  It was a typical busy Sunday with four young kids and although things didn’t all go smoothly, I found myself using wisdom in choosing my words.  Really thinking about how as a mother I can voice my authority, when needed, without yelling or adding more stress to our family.  The atmosphere was much happier and more peaceful in our home because of it.  My time at church was more spiritual than usual and I felt especially close to my Heavenly Father.


On the second day, I had accidentally slept in and woke up and started rushing around to get the kids to school on time.  In all the craziness, I had completely forgotten about the challenge and didn’t remember until late that morning.  Quickly I said a prayer and continued with my day.  Later as the challenge had me put to the test, I became discouraged.  How could I possibly speak as a holy woman would speak when my thoughts are not always holy and my actions aren’t always holy.  I felt overwhelmed and close to giving up but I knew, deep down, why I was doing this and that my family so deserved what could come from this challenge.

The third day was amazing.  I was so much happier.  I felt so much lighter.  My children were smiling more.  THEY were speaking with holy words.  I found myself offering service to my husband more.  I just felt like a kinder person!


I learned that Holiness is a snowball effect within yourself and with those around.   That’s the way it’s supposed to happen.   Little by little so that those principles can be imprinted on your heart.”