DOMUS  The Tempus Crystal    Coming 2024….CHANGE THAT…IT’S HERE!!!!!

Domus’ original format offers a totally new reader experience–one I hope will be educational in addition to entertaining. The world of Domus is the world of the Fey and has a Latin-based language which was so much fun to create. The reader will learn new words and meanings without even trying as the language is immersed into the story. The word DOMUS means HOME and most characters Latin names reflect their personality.

Domus is the CLEAN FANTASY and SWEET romance of Lichen and Isabella of which I’m very proud. It’s hard to find a grown-up fantasy that isn’t splattered with gratuitous sex and violence and also delivers a message of faith and eternal love.

Tempus Crystal is the first book in my Domus series; the second book is in progress.

The cover was in development F O R E V E R. I played with crystals such as the one below. Also, steampunk clockworks, and ice caves! I toyed with the idea of another VOTE FOR THE COVER since the Daddy Trails voting was so much fun, but in the end I just didn’t have time to do it. (That’s what happens when you decide to run for political office in the middle of getting a book out!)

YES, I changed the cover and couldn’t be happier with it. The crystals are gorgeous, but the rough and tumble hat and rope speak to what Lichen is all about.  Yes, you can see I also changed the name of the book. Not really CHANGED, perhaps rearranged is more apt.  I wrestled with the cover for MONTHS. Looked at hundreds of images, imagined hundreds more. Then at the last minute I found this hat and knew instantly IT WAS THE ONE!!! I hope you like it as much as I do.


The original cover.



DOMUS explores the depth of human nature as Lichen wrestles with his natural self. Shall he exact revenge or rise to a higher calling? Lichen’s love for Isabella is intertwined with the very survival of Domus, a responsibility he neither wanted nor asked for. Lichen goes from jet pilot to slayer of Lacerta, from a quaint historical town in Missouri to a foreign land where beautiful faeries blind side you,evil masquerades as good, dragons become your best friend and an unknown grandfather heals your heart.

DOMUS has been a very long time in the making–the first inspiration coming in 2003. I hope you’ll enjoy visiting this magical land as much as I have enjoyed creating it.