Have you caught a theme in the Routines?!  PRAYER!!

Prayer is in every routine for a reason.

Prayer is essential to making your life work.  To making your plans, your dreams, your schedules, your routines work.  Trust me on this, I’ve done it both ways–with and without prayer.  Things always go better with prayer!

The scriptures admonish us to pray over everything.  So, that’s exactly what we need to do.  That’s why I put it in the Routines.

“Prayer is a gift from God. We need never feel lost or alone. I testify that every moment of precious prayer can be holy time spent with our Father, in the name of the Son, by the power of the Holy Ghost.”

—Carol F. McConkie  “The Souls Sincere Desire”

James 5:14

Numbers 21:7

Psalm 95:6

DC 20:47