
by John Heinerman

If you like Latter-Day Saints historical accounts, this book is for you. I enjoy journal entries as it puts me in their shoes, so to speak.  The book ties the LDS belief in the “Word of Wisdom” to specific foods and shows the evolution of its practice.

I was slightly disappointed as I hoped for more of Joseph’s personal input, but all in all, it’s worth the read.

I enjoyed its companion “Joseph Smith and Herbal Medicine” much better…but, then I’m an herbalist!




Forged in Love is the first of three sweet romances* in the Wyoming Sunrise Series. I love cowboys. I love the smell of leather, the sound a saddle makes when you “mount up”, the rolling hills and sweeping valleys of horse country. I also appreciate the harsh reality of forging a living in the country […]

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                                            DOMUS  The Tempus Crystal    Coming 2024….CHANGE THAT…IT’S HERE!!!!! Domus’ original format offers a totally new reader experience–one I hope will be educational in addition to entertaining. The world of Domus is the world of the Fey and has a Latin-based language which was so much fun to create. The reader will learn new […]

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